Stories that can’t be
Unseen, unread.

Indian migrant workers at the risk of slavery post covid-19
Who would have thought that a virus would become a vector for countless human tragedies? While many people sit in the comfort of their homes observing ‘isolation’, millions of migrant workers in India have been forced to walk for hundreds of kilometres to make it back to their villages.

Indian Transgenders blamed for spread of COVID-19
If you talk to Transgenders (Hijras), you will get infected by Coronavirus", read a few posters on the walls of a metro station in Hyderabad, India.
Identifying as a transgender person in India is generally synonymous with the term Hijra. A community that has been victimized for decades for not conforming to the two gendered status quo. A trans-child becomes a Hijra when their family forces them to either leave their home or 'act normal' as it is not easy to be vocal about one's gender identity if it is beyond the tick boxes of male and female, in a country like India. The estranged child joins the Hijra clan-a cultural group of transgender persons-which is generally found begging- from one car to another on traffic signals or sex work if earnings fall short.